Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Advanced Editing Notes Questions: 3. Soviet Montage and 4. Realism

3. Soviet Montage and Formalism

a. What was Pudovkin's concept of constructive editing and how did it manifest itself on film? 

Pudovkin wanted to show the audience a new type of style and connect the editing with his shots. He believed that close ups reveal more of a meaning and help the movie. 

b. What was the Kuleshov effect and give me an example of how is it used in today's film's?

The Kuleshov Effect is a film technique that helps the audience understand the emotions more. An example of this is a shot of soup, and then a man. It continues to go back a forth from each shot so that us, as the audience, understands the man is hungry. This is used in many movies so that directors can connect two things without having both of them in the same shot.  

c. What was Eisensteinian Montage and how does it work in the "Odessa Step" sequence?

The Eisensteinian Montage is when a shot contracts to images. In "Odessa Step" the two conflicting images are the boy and the woman. They are two different shots that correlate to one another to create a stronger effect. 
4. Andre Bazin and Realism

a. What were Andre Bazin's frustrations with Classical and Formalistic film making?

Andre Bazin had frustrations with classical and formalistic film making because he thought that they were manipulative. This breaks away from reality.

b. What do Realist filmmakers strive for in their work?

They strove for reality. They want to record what exists and combines art with their vision. 

c. What techniques to realists use in their film making?

The techniques they use are creative and a wide use of shots, for example, there are wide shots ,panning, long shots, extreme long shots, and the use of a crane. This shows the audience the creativity of the film and shots. 

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