Thursday, March 24, 2011

Sound Treatment Peer Review

Peer Review on Sound Treatment
Jenna Fontaine’s Treatment:
The intent is that their actor can not be safe within her own mind.

The plot points are when the mother leaves and the voices start to take over the girls mind and the man is killed then the doppelganger is in the next scene.

The climax is when the noises stop and the girl doesn't hear them anymore, then the pizza man is killed.

The point isn't resolved and the climax is where it ends because the evil twin takes over.

The dialogue is very important to the movie because it shows the importance of the
characterization of the girl and her reactions to the voices.

The voices are what helps the story move forward because it causes her to kill the pizza man.
Suggestions are to help the scenes flow smoother.

My Treatment:

My intent of the scene is to show the evil side of people and how people should be aware of their surroundings because some people can be clueless.

Some important plot points are when the first girl is killed, she is killed within the bathroom and her friends don't realize that because she “left” to go home. People need to be aware that not everyone in the world in kind and some people are crazy so walking around at night by yourself isn't a good idea.

The climax is when all the friends are dead and the girl is left alone and she doesn't know what to do she is struggling for her keys from the car but can not find them, she hears a lot of noises around her and she is afraid of what is coming.

The resolution is when she is awaken by a jump into the pool and she realizes it’s a day dream.

The conclusion is when she realizes the day dream is now becoming her reality and she sees the women dead on a lost fly-er.

The important dialogue parts is when her friends repeat the same things they did when she first had the day dream which shows that her dream is now becoming her reality and she is afraid the same things will happen again.

The character that controls the scene is the main girl who is in the middle of all this drama and she sees the different killings and needs to warn people that this might actually happen.

My suggestions are to make sure the film isn't confusing because it might be confusing to people when she realizes its all a day dream and her reality is becoming her dream.

Part 3 Narrative

How is this film constructed according to narrative/story being told?
The film is constructed such that we have story of a man who has a family and has to go off to war in Afghanistan. We see as the movie goes on that he has a lot to deal with as far as war goes, then later on once he gets home he realizes that his family has a huge effect on the way he is acting. While hes at war he is held hostage and he  has to kill a man and when he goes back home that causes him to have post traumatic stress and that effects his relationship with his family. He thinks his brother and his wife had sex and he starts to go crazy because he is still traumatized from his time in Afghanistan. He ends up trying to get over the things that happened and move on but its hard and his family is some what damaged by his actions.

Is the narrative organized by plot or time sequence, or some other way?
The narrative throughout the movie is organized by plot.

Does the film use other principles than narrative sequence as a structure (for instance, an argument?
A huge argument that occurs, which is also what i chose for my five minute extract, is the scene when Sam has an outburst and destroys the kitchen his brother built while he was gone. He fights with his wife and he threatens to kill himself. He is officially crazy due to war because he cant handle the stuff of what he went through. This is important to the movie because it shows how war changes the man within, and it also changes the family. His family thought he was dead so they finally started to get over the fact that he was gone but them he comes back and that causes them more hurt.

What is the nature of our engagement with the story or characters?The nature of the engagement with the characters change throughout the movie. In the beginning Grace, which is the wife, had a wonderful and loving relationship with her husband but as the movie went on she lost that connection because of the changes he was making, which she say as negative. In the beginning she didn't like Tommy because she thought he only cared about himself and didnt care what other people thought but as the movie went on she realized that he is caring and loving person and she accepts him as her brother-in-law. The children also seem to have a mood change due to their father leaving, they seem to get closer with their uncle and see him as a father figure rather then their own father. That also has to do with Sam going crazy because he is jealous of what his brother took from him.

How are characters and issues represented?
The characters are represented as an average American family. This can be represented in the life they have, they mom stays home and helps with the kids and house and the father goes off to war to fight for his country.

What is the style and effect of acting and performance?
The style is realistic because a lot of families have been through what this family in the movie has gone through. The man of the house leaving off to war and that damages the life at home. The characters said in a interview that they actually spoke with families that deal with family members going off to war and that gave them a better idea of how to act.

How is meaning created by camera angles, shots, and camera movement?
The meaning is created because some shots give the film a caring attitude. There is a scene when Sam is asking Tommy and when he was gone and

Does the film make use of symbols, metaphors, or allegories? What are they and how do they work within the context of the film?
I feel the extract i chose was a symbol to show that while he is destroying his kitchen he is also destroying his family and his life. Sam gets so angry that he just starts to go crazy but not realizing but him doing that is also pushing him away from them more.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Critique For Oral

Movie: Brothers

My oral presentation was on the film Brothers. It did not come out the way I wanted it to because I felt I was missing some key points within the rubric. I had some solid points when it came to my five minute extract I had a well thought out idea that post traumatic stress is what caused Tommy to go crazy and that was the main reason behind the scene I chose. I felt that I didn't cover the score or editing as well I should have because I focused more on the story outline, setting, design and ect.
While discussing my film extract I went over setting, design, content, genre and briefly over editing, and lighting. I feel my strongest area was genre and content, while going over my extract because it was the part I focused most on.
If I had to give myself a grade I would pick a 13 because I feel my knowledge for film terms as well as knowledge for the overall analysis wasn't very strong. I could have used better language for describing my film analysis. I feel i could have put more time into my oral presentation because it wasn't as detailed as I would have liked. Overall my presentation was alright for this being my first time doing one.I was very repetitive while recording and I only spoke of a few subjects within the oral presentation structure guide.

I Am Legend Oral Presentation by Plenny.

She was very detailed in her work and seemed to analyze her topic very well. Her extract i felt was very important to the movie because it showed Will Smith starting to go crazy due to no one else being with him so he has to relate to inhuman like objects. Overall it was good except you seemed really nervous and unsure of what you should say, but for the first time doing an oral presentation it was well done.
Score: 17